Your Freedom, Your Choices.

“In a woman’s purse lies not just coins, but the weight of her freedom and the measure of her dreams.”

— Inspired by the writings of Maya Angelou

Picture this…

A life where your financial decisions are driven by your dreams, aspirations, and goals, rather than the constraints of dependency.

Every woman deserves to unlock the power of financial independence, but most of us think, “Isn’t it easier and more comfortable to let someone else take care of financial matters?"

But it’s not.

Because as a woman, when you entrust your financial future to others, you relinquish control over your own destiny. You become vulnerable to predators and are unable to guide and evaluate even those who are trustworthy. Others may make choices for you that are not in alignment with your values or in your best interests. And in the long term, you limit your ability to pursue your passions and give where you want to give.

Financial independence isn't just about money, it's about autonomy, self-reliance, and the freedom to shape your life on your terms.

So what’s holding you back from finally breaking free from financial dependency?

  1. Vulnerability: Relying solely on someone else can leave you vulnerable to unforeseen life changes, such as divorce, loss of a partner, or economic predators and financial downturns.

  2. Limited Decision-Making: Financial dependency often means you have little say in financial decisions, which may not align with your long-term goals.

  3. Stifled Aspirations: Your dreams and ambitions may take a back seat as you prioritize someone else's financial agenda over your own.

Unfortunately, society has perpetuated the idea that women should be financially dependent on others. But by taking proactive steps and gaining financial knowledge, you can turn these obstacles into stepping stones toward a more empowered future.

Here are our tips to overcome these challenges…

  1. Financial Literacy: Invest time in understanding personal finance. Knowledge is power, and it will give you confidence to participate in financial discussions and decisions. Listen to podcasts, read newspapers, take courses, and read books that will help you on your financial way.

  2. Emergency Fund: Build your own emergency fund to provide a safety net in times of need. Having your financial cushion can reduce vulnerability. In a nutshell, be prepared for financial emergencies.

  3. Open Partner Communication: Foster open and honest conversations with your partner about financial goals, expectations, and responsibilities. A shared financial plan can help you both thrive.

  4. Invest in Yourself: Invest in your own growth by getting smart about money.

This takes money, time, and focus. Invest in growing yourself as a person, too.

  1. Invest in Your Sphere of Influence: Make an effort to grow your network. To rub shoulders with those who know how to make money and grow wealth, you need to be a woman of substance.

  2. Grow your Confidence by Doing: Growing knowledge breeds confidence to take on more and grow your experience and skills. The financial independence that results allows you to nurture your aspirations without compromise.

Your journey toward financial independence doesn’t have to be done all alone… it's about having the freedom and choice to create the life you desire.

From Learning to Earning

Get ready for an inspiring episode with our special guest, Steve Chou. He's a Wall Street Journal best-selling author, a family-first entrepreneur, and a prominent influencer in the e-commerce world.

Steve shares invaluable insights on personal growth and its role in your journey to financial success. Discover why formal education is just the tip of the iceberg and how continuous learning can unlock your full potential.

We also talk about the world of "mompreneurship" and explore why running a business can be a game-changer for moms, keeping them sharp and adaptable. Plus, Steve unveils the power of first impressions and why dressing for success aligns with your ambitions.

Don't miss out – tune in to this episode and supercharge your financial journey!

Yours in health, wealth, and happiness

Dr. Deborah Ekstrom

Navigating Financial Dependency in Today's World

In an ever-evolving financial landscape, one stark truth remains: financial dependency is affecting women across the globe, regardless of their location.

The articles below paint a revealing picture… from women in India striving for independence, to women in the UK facing barriers, and couples in the United States often tethered by financial constraints.

These stories underscore the importance of our mission at Money Loves Women—to empower women with the knowledge and resources to break free from financial dependency and shape their financial destinies.

A survey of over 10,000 working women in India unveiled a compelling narrative. While an impressive 90% of women contribute to household expenses, a significant 67% still rely on men for financial decisions. The desire for financial independence burns brightly, particularly among those aged 25-34. Yet, only one-third of women feel confident in making all their financial decisions independently. It's clear that despite contributions, the quest for true financial autonomy is an ongoing journey.

Across the pond in the UK, a survey involving over 1,000 women revealed a sobering reality—only 45% of these women perceive themselves as financially independent. High living costs and job security concerns serve as formidable barriers on their path to financial autonomy. Astonishingly, a 2021 report emphasized that financial independence ranks highest in importance for overall well-being, especially among women. This highlights the necessity of fostering financial empowerment in the face of daunting challenges.

Another revealing report by LendingTree highlights that for many Americans, finances aren't just about dollars and cents, they're about relationships too. With 23% of couples stating that financial dependency is the anchor keeping them together, it's evident that money can be both a relationship's savior and its downfall. As we explore the multifaceted nature of financial dynamics in relationships, we emphasize the value of open and honest money discussions. 'Financial date nights' serve as a practical tool to nurture trust, align financial goals, and create a robust financial foundation within partnerships.

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